For programming languages other than Python, we provide the following RESTful API access to the KxY infrastructure. Programmatic access to the KxY infrastructure is billed on a per-request basis and requires a valid API key and a valid payment method associated to your account. For pricing details visit

API Endpoint

The current API endpoint is

Uploading Your Data

All analyses requests submitted to our RESTful API must include an identifier referring to a csv file you previously uploaded. To upload file, you must first request a signed upload url.

POST /generate-signed-upload-url/

Requests a signed URl to upload a data file. Only CSV files are supported at this point, and the first row should contain column names.

Form Parameters
  • file_identifier – An identifier that is characteristic of the content of the csv file to upload (e.g. a hash of its content).

  • timestamp – The epoch timestamp at the time this request is issued.

Request Headers
  • Content-Typeapplication/json


Status Codes
  • 400 Bad Request – Returned when the request fails.

  • 200 OK – Returned when you previously uploaded a file with the same identifier or when a signed url was generated for the upload.

Example Response Format I: The file wasn’t previously uploaded and a signed url was successfully generated.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

        "message": "Signed upload url successfully generated for identifier [********].",
        "presigned_url": {
                "url": "...",
                                "acl": "...",
                                "key": "...",
                                "signature": "...",
                                "policy": "...",
                                "...": "..."

The file is then uploaded by issuing a POST request to the returned url, using the data in fields, and by appending .csv to the identifier to form the file name.

Check out kxy.api.data_transfer.upload_data to see how this is done in Python.

Example Response II: The file was previously uploaded (remember, the identifier should be characteristic of the file content in that changing the content should also change the identifier).

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

        "message": "The file with identifier [********] was previously uploaded."

Example Response III: The request fails.

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json

        "message": "Failed to generate signed upload url for file [********].csv."

Data Valuation

POST /data-valuation/

Estimate the highest performance achievable in a supervised learning problem, regression or classification.

Form Parameters
  • file_identifier – The identifier of the CSV file containing the data, which you must have previously uploaded.

  • target_column – The name of the column in the CSV file to contains true labels.

  • problem_type – The type of supervised learning problem (classification or regression).

  • timestamp – The epoch timestamp at the time this request is issued.

  • job_id – (optional) The job_id that was returned last time you issued the same request.

Request Headers
  • Content-Typeapplication/json


Status Codes
  • 400 Bad Request – Returned when the request is missing at least one mandatory parameter.

  • 401 Unauthorized – Returned when you disable your API key from the KxY portal.

  • 402 Payment Required – Returned when you have not provided a valid payment method in the KxY portal, or when we are unable to charge your account for the request.

  • 200 OK – Returned when your request was successful and the response body contains a job_id or analysis results.

Example Response Format I: The request was successfully submitted, the backend is at work, but results are not yet available.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

        "job_id": "******",

You should store the returned job_id, and use it to try again until the request returns results. Requests without a valid job_id are billed a small eco-friendly fee and a bigger analysis fee, whereas requests with a job_id that was previously returned by the API are only billed the eco-friendly fee.

Example Response Format II: The request was successfully submitted, and results are available.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

        "job_id": "******",
        "r-squared": "*.**",
        "log-likelihood": "***",
        "rmse": "*****",
        "accuracy": "*.**"

Model-Free Variable Selection

POST /variable-selection/

Runs the model-free variable selection analysis. The first variable is the variable that explains the label the most, when used in isolation. The second variable is the variable that complements the first variable the most for predicting the label etc.

Form Parameters
  • file_identifier – The identifier of the CSV file containing the data, which you must have previously uploaded.

  • target_column – The name of the column in the CSV file to contains true labels.

  • problem_type – The type of supervised learning problem (classification or regression).

  • timestamp – The epoch timestamp at the time this request is issued.

  • job_id – (optional) The job_id that was returned last time you issued the same request.

Request Headers
  • Content-Typeapplication/json


Status Codes
  • 400 Bad Request – Returned when the request is missing at least one mandatory parameter.

  • 401 Unauthorized – Returned when you disable your API key from the KxY portal.

  • 402 Payment Required – Returned when you have not provided a valid payment method in the KxY portal, or when we are unable to charge your account for the request.

  • 200 OK – Returned when your request was successful and the response body contains a job_id or analysis results.

Example Response Format I: The request was successfully submitted, the backend is at work, but results are not yet available.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

        "job_id": "******",

You should store the returned job_id, and use it to try again until the request returns results. Requests without a valid job_id are billed a small eco-friendly fee and a bigger analysis fee, whereas requests with a job_id that was previously returned by the API are only billed the eco-friendly fee.

Example Response Format II: The request was successfully submitted, and results are available.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

        "job_id": "******",
        "selection_order": [1, 2, 3],
        "variable": ["best_var_1",  "best_var_2", "best_var_3"],
        "r-squared": ["highest_r_squared_with_var_1", "highest_r_squared_with_vars_12", "highest_r_squared_with_vars_123"],
        "log-likelihood": ["highest_log_lik_with_var_1", "highest_log_lik_with_vars_12", "highest_log_lik_with_vars_123"],
        "rmse": ["lowest_rmse_with_var_1", "lowest_rmse_with_vars_12", "lowest_rmse_with_vars_123"],
        "accuracy": ["highest_accuracy_with_var_1", "highest_accuracy_with_vars_12", "highest_accuracy_with_vars_123"]

Data-Driven Improvability

POST /data-driven-improvability/

Estimate the potential performance boost that a set of new explanatory variables can bring about.

Form Parameters
  • file_identifier – The identifier of the CSV file containing the data, which you must have previously uploaded.

  • target_column – The name of the column in the CSV file to contains true labels.

  • problem_type – The type of supervised learning problem (classification or regression).

  • timestamp – The epoch timestamp at the time this request is issued.

  • new_variables – The list of column names to be used as new explanatory variables.

  • job_id – (optional) The job_id that was returned last time you issued the same request.

Request Headers
  • Content-Typeapplication/json


Status Codes
  • 400 Bad Request – Returned when the request is missing at least one mandatory parameter.

  • 401 Unauthorized – Returned when you disable your API key from the KxY portal.

  • 402 Payment Required – Returned when you have not provided a valid payment method in the KxY portal, or when we are unable to charge your account for the request.

  • 200 OK – Returned when your request was successful and the response body contains a job_id or analysis results.

Example Response Format I: The request was successfully submitted, the backend is at work, but results are not yet available.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

        "job_id": "******",

You should store the returned job_id, and use it to try again until the request returns results. Requests without a valid job_id are billed a small eco-friendly fee and a bigger analysis fee, whereas requests with a job_id that was previously returned by the API are only billed the eco-friendly fee.

Example Response Format II: The request was successfully submitted, and results are available.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

        "job_id": "******",
        "r-squared-boost": "*.**",
        "log-likelihood-boost": "***",
        "rmse-reduction": "*****",
        "accuracy-boost": "*.**"

Model-Driven Improvability

POST /model-driven-improvability/

Estimate the extent to which a trained supervised learning model may be improved in a model-driven fashion (i.e. without resorting to additional explanatory variables).

Form Parameters
  • file_identifier – The identifier of the CSV file containing the data, which you must have previously uploaded.

  • target_column – The name of the column in the CSV file to contains true labels.

  • problem_type – The type of supervised learning problem (classification or regression).

  • timestamp – The epoch timestamp at the time this request is issued.

  • prediction_column – The name of the column containing predictions of the trained supervised learning model.

  • job_id – (optional) The job_id that was returned last time you issued the same request.

Request Headers
  • Content-Typeapplication/json


Status Codes
  • 400 Bad Request – Returned when the request is missing at least one mandatory parameter.

  • 401 Unauthorized – Returned when you disable your API key from the KxY portal.

  • 402 Payment Required – Returned when you have not provided a valid payment method in the KxY portal, or when we are unable to charge your account for the request.

  • 200 OK – Returned when your request was successful and the response body contains a job_id or analysis results.

Example Response Format I: The request was successfully submitted, the backend is at work, but results are not yet available.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

        "job_id": "******",

You should store the returned job_id, and use it to try again until the request returns results. Requests without a valid job_id are billed a small eco-friendly fee and a bigger analysis fee, whereas requests with a job_id that was previously returned by the API are only billed the eco-friendly fee.

Example Response Format II: The request was successfully submitted, and results are available.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

        "job_id": "******",
        "lost-r-squared": "*.**",
        "lost-log-likelihood": "***",
        "lost-rmse": "*****",
        "lost-accuracy": "*.**",
        "residual-r-squared": "*.**",
        "residual-log-likelihood": "***",
        "residual-rmse": "*****",

lost-* metrics represent the performance irreversibly lost while training the supervised learning model.

They are defined as the difference between the highest performance that can be achieved when using the explanatory variables to predict the target column, and the highest performance that can be achieved when using model predictions as sole explanatory variable to predict the target column. When these metrics are close to zero, the trained model is optimal in that its predictions capture all the juice that was in explanatory variables (i.e. the target and the explanatory variables are conditionally independent given the model prediction).

For regression problems, residual-* metrics correspond to the highest performance achievable when using explanatory variables to predict regression residuals. When these metrics are high, the trained regression model can be improved additively. When they are close to zero, the regression model is optimal in that errors it make cannot be reduced using the same explanatory variables that were used to train the model.

Model Explanation

Model explanation is identical to Model-Free Variable Selection, except that rather than explaining true labels with explanatory variables, you should explain model predictions with explanatory variables.